
17-20 September 2014, in St. Petersburg, the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation conducts the first international scientific conference "Science of the Future".

The conference will provide a platform for the exchange of information within the scientific community, the development of international cooperation, integration of Russia into the world scientific environment.

The conference will highlight the experience and results of scientific research carried out under the guidance of the leading world scientists in Russian universities and research organizations. The conference will bring together leading scientists, implementing projects in the framework of the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from April 9, 2010 № 220 "on measures to attract leading scientists in the Russian educational institution of higher professional education and scientific institutions of the state academies of Sciences and state research centers of the Russian Federation".

Leading scientists will share their experience of research carried out with the support of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, and also will tell about the results of their work.

The conference will include plenary meetings, poster sessions, popular science lectures by leading scientists.


Source: conference website